

Oxfordshire Growth Board Infrastructure Sub-Group


HELD on Monday 14 December 2020 at 2.00 pm

Virtual via MS Teams





Councillor: Pieter-Paul Barker, Councillor Yvonne Constance, Councillor Tom Hayes, Councillor Lynn Pratt, Councillor Judy Roberts and Phil Southall


Officers: John Disley (Oxfordshire County Council), James Gagg, (Oxfordshire County Council), Kevin Jacob, (Oxfordshire Growth Board), Owen Jenkins (Oxfordshire County Council), Jo Muncaster, (City Science), Elliott Reid, (City Science) and Paul Staines, (Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal Team)



9            Apologies for absence and notifications of substitutions; declarations of interests; Chair's announcements


Apologies were received from Councillor Ian Hudspeth and Councillor Jeff Haine. In Councillor Hudspeth’s absence it was agreed that Councillor Yvonne Constance would chair the meeting.


Councillor Constance informed the subgroup that Sue Halliwell, Director for Planning and Place at Oxfordshire County Council would be leaving to take up a new role in West Berkshire Council in the New Year. Councillor Constance and members of the subgroup thanked Sue Halliwell for her significant contribution in supporting the subgroup.




10         Notes of the previous meeting


The notes of the meeting held on 24 August 2020 were agreed as a correct record.




11         OxIS Update and workshop


The subgroup received a detailed presentation from Jo Muncaster, Project Manager City Science and Elliot Reid, Deputy Project Manager City Science which set out the context and background to the new Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy, (OxIS), the programme for the new strategy, stakeholder engagement and communications, the emerging infrastructure appraisal methodology and next steps. 


Members of the subgroup warmly welcomed the update and the presentation. In discussion the following summary points were made:


·           The location of new school infrastructure was an important consideration for OxIS and although engagement with Oxfordshire Education Officers was planned, it was felt that developers groups also needed to be part of the OxIS conversation around the future location of school infrastructure given that the location of some new schools arising from development was not always felt to be optimal which had a significant effect on issues such as traffic.

·           There needed to be a higher degree of engagement around ‘blue’ infrastructure, for instance with river-based businesses. 

·           A summit was to take place in Oxford in February 2021 which would cover how the city could become carbon neutral and this could potentially be a useful input to the OxIS process.

·           Consideration should be given to the addition of Oxfordshire Healthwatch as an external stakeholder.

·           Members of the subgroup queried the process by which a list of recommended infrastructure projects would be developed and the relationship between existing projects within the current OxIS and new projects identified in the update.

·           How projects which were dependent on the completion of other schemes might be identified, given the high prevalence of interdependencies. 


Officers informed the group that whilst some aspects of the development of the OxIS were required, in other areas there were options around the way forward and opportunities to take account of emerging priorities such as climate change. The development of OxIS would remain closely linked to the timeline for the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 and officers on both projects were continuing to liaise closely.


The subgroup noted the update.




12         Introduction to the Strategic Transport Forum


The subgroup received a presentation from Phil Southall, Chair of the Oxfordshire Strategic Transport Forum, (STF) who had recently joined the subgroup as the STF’s representative. The presentation covered the history of the subgroup, its membership which included key local and strategic transport stakeholders, its purpose and remit and strategic responsibilities. The STF aimed to create an ongoing two-way dialogue with the subgroup, by providing informed input to the development of strategic documents such as the Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy and Oxfordshire Plan 2050. 


The subgroup noted the presentation.




13         Infrastructure Programme Delivery - update


Owen Jenkins, Director of Growth and Economy provided a verbal update on the 2020/2021 Housing and Growth Deal Infrastructure Programme. The subgroup was informed that there were not any significant changes in the programme since the previous update, but that detailed work was being undertaken to deliver schemes and this was on track.  For the first time it was expected to spend all the allocated Housing and Growth Deal allocation.


At the end of the 2020/2021 financial year, a deep dive review of outstanding schemes would be undertaken, and adjustments proposed to the programme if necessary. The effect of the Covid-19 pandemic had impacted on delivery of housing sites and members of the subgroup commented that it would be useful for the group to also receive data on housing numbers/delivery as part of the information presented to them. Officers agreed to action this, and it was noted that the most recent Quarter 2 data was available as part of the 24 November Growth Board Agenda. 


In discussion, flood elevation projects in Oxford were mentioned including proposed works to the Oxford ring road at Kennington Bridge. It was noted that construction was now expected to begin in 2022, with completion scheduled for 2025. It was suggested that an update could be provided to the next meeting and members of the subgroup asked that the update include reference to how waste arising from the work would be dealt with including any knock-on effect on the A34. 




14         Comprehensive Spending Review Summary


The subgroup considered a report as set out in the Agenda which provided a summary of infrastructure related matters announced by HM Government as part of the Comprehensive Spending Review, (CSR) on 25 November 2020. James Gagg, Infrastructure Strategy Team Leader Oxfordshire County Council also provided a presentation which highlighted key national aspects of the CSR and impact on local bus and rail infrastructure projects/bids.


In discussion, members of the subgroup referred to the national support being given to electric vehicle infrastructure and the need to also support hydrogen vehicle infrastructure. It was important for strategies to consider the different types and needs for electric charging so infrastructure could be provided in the correct location. It was noted that the Oxfordshire County Council’s Cabinet was expected to consider an electric vehicle strategy in the New Year.


The subgroup also discussed the application of zero emission bus technology, noting that different propulsion solutions might be required for shorter urban routes vs longer distance routes between towns.


The subgroup noted the update.




15         Local Transport and Connectivity Plan Update, (LTCP)


The subgroup considered a report which set out an update on the development of the Local Transport and Connectivity Plan including the developmental approach and timeline.


In discussion, members of the subgroup welcomed the update and what was felt to be a real refocussing on tackling climate change and moving towards zero carbon.


The subgroup noted the update.




16         Dates of next meetings


The dates of future meetings were noted and the addition of an extra meeting on 1 March 2021 agreed.


·           8 February 2021

·           1 March 2021

·           26 April 2021


Any other business


In response to a question, officers confirmed that they were continuing to explore future options around funding for local stations which had been unsuccessful under the current round of Rail Ideas Funding.





The meeting closed at 3.50 pm